Home And Business Remodeling in Santa Fe, TX

Home And Business Remodeling Services

Altex Construction has a board portfolio to show for all the home and business Remodeling projects we’ve worked on with clients for various reasons. If the furnishing of your home or business has recently suffered from moisture build up or water retention, faulty drain systems, or you want to renovate a new space where your business is going to flourish, or a new house you’re wanting to turn into a home. There’s a range of reasons why you may want to turn around a space, and our crew is ready to take your ideas and devise the best plan of action to advise you on the materials and products best suiting your project specifications.

Our Home and Business Remodelling services comes with a complete set of skills and equipment to construct your dreamscape within the designated parameters of your space. We cover bedroom renovations, closet builds, installing drywalls and doing paint jobs to pull the entire space together. For business remodelling, we’ll take your business idea and vision, and using your designated building space to reflect it through selected furnishings.

At every step of the process, you get to choose from a variety of options we can provide on the kinds of finishes for paint, flooring, fixtures and more. At the time of needing to tear down certain structures, we’ll conduct an inspection to make sure the backend foundations are secure. If there is a need for repairs, we make sure our crew comes in prepared to handle any discoveries at the time of project commencement, and throughout. Contact us, and we can begin the process of documenting your vision and mapping out a timeline to begin the remodelling of your homespace or business.